Top Process Server Groups and Forums

process server discussion forums - riverside process servers - jpl process service (866) 754-0520As a respected member of the process service industry, there is much to be learned in talking to others in the process server business. The fantastic thing about the advancement of technology is that it is much easier than before to hold conservations with other professionals across the country.

Sharing ideas, getting help and discussing new regulations is all readily available with simply a few mouse clicks. For starters, here is a list of some of the top forums and groups for process servers on the internet: – This relatively new forum is still getting off the ground, however, it has a number of energetic individuals along with interesting subjects to keep you entertained for a bit. With higher participation, this forum could become a valuable resource and outlet for process servers.

Facebook Group: Service of Process Looking Forward (Started by former NAPPS President Jeff Karotkin) – This group calls for a Facebook account to sign up with, but the rewards are well worth it. Get access to the most present and pressing process service information, conversations surrounding the industry, along with many participants who deliver relevant questions, articles and other content, in this useful process server resource.  Prepare to tackle transparency concerns in NAPPS, recent headlines and basic process serving suggestions and insight. In order to join, you should search for “Service of Process Looking Forward” and request to join, which is helpful in keeping the group dedicated solely to process serving.

Yahoo Groups: Process-server – This group can be beneficial for getting some extra work, as members often send requests for a server in a specific location.  Unfortunately, you have to be ready to sift through the countless number of self-promotional posts. If you decide to join this group, you’re probably better off setting your account up to get one email a day instead of flooding your e-mail account with many emails throughout the day.

LinkedIn Group: Process Servers and Service of Subpoenas And LinkedInGroup: Process Servers – The LinkedIn Process Servers group was started by Serve Now, however both of these groups are worth being a part of.  Whether you need guidance on what types of software to make use of or the best ways to manage customers and payments, the members of this group are always eager to lend  hand.

As a member of these groups, you can also contribute your very own valuable feedback to your fellow process servers. If you know of any sort of other groups or online forums please comment and share below!  It is always practical to talk about the business and receive input from others in the process service industry.

If you ‘d like to contact a professional Riverside process server, do not hesitate to give us a telephone call at (866) 754-0520.

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